
To give others
a fair chance starts
with compassion.

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Edwin Korver


Architect of RoundMap and
Grandmaster of Business

“We’re fostering not only businesses but equitable ecosystems where people find purpose and belonging, all while contributing meaningfully to society at large.”


Hello, I’m Edwin Korver—an analyst, systems thinker, and aspiring polymath. Tackling intricate business puzzles and streamlining operations are my specialties.

I’m adept at Freeman’s stakeholder theory, a unique approach that ultimately emphasizes creating value for all stakeholders equitably. This approach requires a keen sense of empathy, active listening, and considering the interests of various stakeholders. In today’s world, no company can afford to overlook public scrutiny.

Throughout my extensive study from 2013 to 2024, delving into the tapestry of business, I encountered a powerful concept: EQuitability. This term, resonating deeply with my convictions, has become my guiding principle. 

EQuitability, rooted in being ‘impartial, reasonable, fair, just, and right,’ aligns with several discoveries in the RoundMap framework. The ‘EQ’ in EQuitability also represents Emotional Intelligence, emphasizing the need for empathy and compassion toward stakeholders.

Recognizing a gap in academic studies comprehensively exploring business integration, I took it upon myself to develop the RoundMap Academy. Here, we mold a select group into Grandmasters of Business™, aiming to bridge the gap and empower future business leaders.

Navigating Business Vitality, Powering Sustainable Growth

Charting Economic Waves: Navigating the Present, Securing the Future with RoundMap®


In the last couple of centuries, our economies have been on a rollercoaster ride tied to major changes like industrial revolutions. Think of it like economic seasons—cycles that last a certain number of years.

Right now, we’re in a critical phase of what experts call the 5th Kondratieff wave. It’s like the last act in a play, moving from a tough time to an even tougher one. This phase brings a combo of rising prices (inflation) and slow economic growth, a combo known as stagflation. This cycle started around 1980, when many of the technologies we use today were born.

Now, as these older technologies step aside, new ones are stepping up, although some might take a while to catch on. According to experts, this shift is usually marked by a ‘big bang’—a major innovation that sets off a period of good economic times.

But hold on, we’re in for some turbulence. Change is the only thing we can count on, and predicting what’s next for businesses is trickier than ever. That’s where RoundMap® comes in. It’s your guide to not just surviving today but also securing a future full of resilience and smart choices.



Forest Transpiration
Climate Change

Rethinking Climate Change: Are We Focusing on the Wrong Issues?

In the ongoing debate around climate change, a dominant narrative positions CO2 as the primary driver of rising global temperatures. Billions of dollars are being invested in reducing carbon emissions, and sweeping policies are reshaping entire industries—electric cars are being pushed, combustion engines are being phased out, and we’re even


Humility versus Arrogance

We can’t expect customers to share their feedback if we treat them with arrogance. And yet, this is the default mode of operation of most incumbents. “By my count, more business leaders have failed and derailed because of arrogance than any other character flaw.” -Harvey Mackay As founders rise to

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The Multipotentialist

Ever since Frederick Taylor suggested applying Adam Smith’s principle of the Division of Labor within the production and industrial engineering industry, to increase worker productivity, employee engagement has gone down and employee turnover spiraled up. Henry Ford was one of the first to apply Taylor’s scientific management theory and the

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RoundMap’s Backstory

There is a lot that can be said to what motivated me to create the ROUNDMAP™. I will share some personal details in my upcoming book. In part, my inspiration came from a brief encounter with a dying man in 2012, named Bart, his heartfelt compassion, and what he wished

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The Health-Growth Paradox

Business growth seems to be on top of everyone’s agenda. We must innovate to outperform the competition, transform ourselves into a digital business, and analyze data to uncover even the most minor anomalies. But is it possible to grow any organism that is stressed out, disengaged, and (therefore) resistant to


The Double Helix of Joint Narratives: Unraveling the Engagement Cycle

While widely used, the customer journey analogy may fail to capture the complexity of how individuals navigate their relationships with brands. Humans naturally construct narratives to interpret their experiences, and when they interact with a brand, they incorporate elements of that brand’s story into their own. Each individual possesses a

Gijon, Asturias, España

Mi llamo es Gonzalez


You might have noticed that I sometimes add Gonzalez to my name. That’s out of respect for my biological father, who originated from Asturias, in the North of Spain. A well-known ritual in Asturias is the pouring of Sidra, a local cider. You’ll also find a lot of taller de Carpinteria (woodworking companies) in this part of Spain. Undoubtedly, the Asturians are most proud of Don Pelayo, “El precursor de la Reconquista,” the first King of Asturias. Pelayo was succeeded by Rey Aurelio, whom my dad was named after, and Rey Silo, who by chance refers to my company name, CROSS-SILO.

Work hard, Play fair.


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2015 - 2016

Chief Digital Officer a.i.

I was invited to help this startup, with five international hubs, to integrate all customer-facing activities, increase cross-functional collaboration, and digitalize the processes – from promotion to reconciliation.

Prior, 95% of fulfillment ran through an external platform, BOL.com, which had decided to close the retail account for not committing to its rules and regulations. Luckily we came prepared.

Moreover, I designed a new house style and advised the CEO on a restructuring process.

2015 - 2016
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Social Business Director a.i.

This promising start-up aimed to connect CxOs all over the world, based on a digital platform, supported by a print magazine, a television program, and various incentive programs. Unfortunately, the company didn’t make it to the next round of investments.

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2010 - 2017


Pageperson® allowed companies to welcome website visitors in the most personal manner: through a video spokesperson. I designed the back office and led the entire development process.

Flash technology and greenscreen technology, representatives from companies like ANWB, SONY, KPN, SANDD, PostNL, Tom Coronel, and many others, enjoyed the opportunity to represent themselves and their business online while inviting visitors to reach out to them.

Additionally, I designed one of the first Cloud CMS (content management systems) ever. Way before WordPress.org, we could serve and maintain an almost unlimited amount of websites from a single core. We were ahead of the curve but due to personal circumstances, I had to abandon the project.

2010 - 2017
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2010 - 2020


In 2010, I started a blog, The Social Media, that drew attention in The Netherlands by requesting readers to nominate the best social media expert. BBP, a large business publisher, offered to include the contest in a national social media event. Nonetheless, I wanted to broaden my horizon and renamed the blog to iCity Magazine. iCity is pronounced as /ˌaɪ siː ˈtiː/ or ICT. iCity covers subjects related to strategy, management, marketing, automation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and digitalization.

2010 - 2020
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General Manager a.i.

The Internet Plaza was one of the country’s largest internet access providers. I was offered the opportunity to lead the company, bridge the silos to increase the overall performance, and drive growth. When an IPO failed, the company was sold to WorldOnline. TIP was a steppingstone toward Enternet.

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Management Consultant a.i.

After CMG Finance had taken over the Dutch representation of Micrognosis, at my instigation, I was asked to help transfer customers – amongst Rabobank, Crediet & Effectenbank, and De Nederlandsche Bank – to CMG.

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Senior Product Manager

On a recommendation from Robeco, I was offered an all-around position within Dow Jones Telerate. The company was, next to Reuters, the market leader in financial trading systems for dealing rooms. It was a disappointing experience. Management steered primarily on targets and bonuses. Customers were merely a means to an end; in an effort to exceed targets. In hindsight, this is where my desire for EQuitability emerged.

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1995 - 1997

Corporate Account Manager

Micrognosis was once a market leader in analog dealing room systems for big financial institutions, like commercial banks, insurance companies, and pension funds. The company lagged behind on digital trading systems. My job was to regain one of the largest customers, ING Bank worldwide. The account had been lost due to failed account management. I succeeded and introduced a new corporate account strategy that was later adopted by the entire organization.

1995 - 1997
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1988 - 1994

Corporate Sales

My career started in sales, consulting customers on custom-made business software, in various branches: transport, expedition, ship brokering, and warehousing; midrange computer systems maintenance; industrial maintenance; various Powerhouse/Progress custom-made applications; and large accounting systems. Customers: AKZO, DSM, KPN, Unilever, Rabobank, SHELL, DOW, NAM, etc.

1988 - 1994